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1 sauceruney  Apr 28, 2014 6:55:23pm

I want to say things, but nothing is anything new, or constructive, or nice.

2 theheat  Apr 28, 2014 10:06:04pm
He warned that policies such as legal abortion and marriage equality would cause God to cease blessing the country.

As long as he blesses the right sports teams to win, that’s all that matters.//

Aside from the scraggly beards I can’t see much difference between these guys and the Taliban in their regressive worldviews.

3 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Apr 29, 2014 3:55:13am

It boggles the mind how lazy Christians are. They are lazy in terms of actually reading the entire book they pretend to follow. Further, the ability to pick and choose which passages and stories they hold dear and those they reject amazes me. This behavior makes it seem they are themselves gods- the ability to arbitrarialy determine what is reality and what is not. Perhaps this is the main attraction to their version of Christianity- that you too will be a God. -A really egotistical and shallow ideology if you ask me.

4 steve_davis  Apr 29, 2014 5:21:21am

“You cannot run away from the heart of God and expect God to bless the country,” he concluded.

the irony here always seems to escape fundamentalists.

5 HappyWarrior  Apr 29, 2014 6:18:00am

Why worry about Shariah when you’ve actually got people in this country who want biblical law.

6 Bulworth  Apr 29, 2014 6:22:32am

Why are these candidates seeking to implement Shariah Law? Oh wait….

7 Skip Intro  Apr 29, 2014 7:21:59am

re: #4 steve_davis

“You cannot run away from the heart of God and expect God to bless the country,” he concluded.

the irony here always seems to escape fundamentalists.

God sure has been un-blessing the South for the last few days. They must have done something really evil to have pissed him off so much.

8 RealityBasedSteve  Apr 29, 2014 7:25:52am

Anytime I encounter somebody with that attitude, I simply ask them one question…

“Since the bible strictly outlaws divorce, except perhaps for adultery, and since divorce is very common in the US, and the single biggest threat to the sanctity of marriage, when are you going to take actions to eliminate, or at least make divorce extremely difficult to obtain?”

Never got anything beyond…’Well, that’s a whole different issue’. (in other words “Because STFU”


9 RealityBasedSteve  Apr 29, 2014 7:26:58am

re: #7 Skip Intro

God sure has been un-blessing the South for the last few days. They must have done something really evil to have pissed him off so much.

I’m going to keep an eye on RightWingWatch….. I’m sure that at least ONE of the usual suspects will bring that up today.


10 nines09  Apr 29, 2014 8:08:21am

There goes the shrimp industry for one.

11 Skip Intro  Apr 29, 2014 9:32:56am

re: #9 RealityBasedSteve

I’m going to keep an eye on RightWingWatch….. I’m sure that at least ONE of the usual suspects will bring that up today.


It happened in the bible belt. Not a chance.

12 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 29, 2014 9:44:27am

These guys expect us to believe they support the Constitution? They don’t, they just want to impose their religious views on everyone else. Anyone who would even consider being a “Christian” and having a “biblical world view” as a qualification for being a supreme court judge opposes the constitution, America and what it stands for.

13 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 29, 2014 9:45:54am

re: #5 HappyWarrior

Why worry about Shariah when you’ve actually got people in this country who want biblical law.

And people who are dumb enough or ignorant enough to believe them when they say its compatible with our constitution and religious freedom.

14 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 29, 2014 9:53:56am

re: #6 Bulworth

Why are these candidates seeking to implement Shariah Law? Oh wait….

Actually they do want to implement “shariah law,”
Youtube Video

They just don’t like it when its Muslims doing it.

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